• 9:30am - Snack
  • 12:30pm - Lunch
  • 4:00pm - Snack



Most of the food I serve is organic; my gift toward the health and well-being of the children entrusted to my care. We often bake homemade, whole-grain breads, and prepare homemade organic soups, as inspired by the practices in Waldorf schools. These activities help children connect with the earth, understand where their food comes from, work with their hands, develop fine motor skills by chopping vegetables, grinding grain, and kneading dough, and benefit from nutritious organic meals.


The children are offered a 4-6 oz. serving of water for lunch and snacks, and they have unlimited access to fresh water between meals. I keep a close eye on how much fluid they are all drinking, as we live in the desert and I know that proper hydration is imperative! Older children are allowed the opportunity to pour their own drink, and to drink from their cup without a lid.


Children won’t be forced to eat everything on their plate. If excessive talking is keeping them from eating, I will gently remind them to eat, but they can determine when they are full. They may have more food once all the food on their plate is eaten and their drink is finished.

We light a beeswax candle that the children
have helped to decorate, and recite a mealtime blessing:

“Blessings on the blossom

Blessings on the root.

Blessings on the leaf and stem

and blessings on the fruit.”

The children have the opportunity to wash and dry dishes, clean the table, and sweep the floor after meals.