NAC 432A.430 sub section 3. states that “each facility described in subsection 1 shall, within 3 months after a child enrolls in the facility, assess the child by use of, without limitation, portfolios, observations, checklists, rating scales and screening tools. Such an assessment must be repeated biannually thereafter to monitor and support the learning and development of each child enrolled in the facility.”
Developmental screenings
Developmental screenings are important so that early intervention services can be recommended as early as possible to ensure the best outcome for children with developmental delays or areas of concern.
At Roots and Wings, I use ASQ-3 (Ages & Stages Questionnaire, Third Edition). It’s a well-respected, comprehensive, and easy-to-administer program. Each questionnaire contains 30 developmental items from five categories:
Gross Motor
Fine Motor
Problem Solving
A private consultation with parents will follow each completed assessment to discuss results, and copies are provided for parents’ records. Referrals to local, age-appropriate, early intervention services will be provided if necessary.